ADHD affects over 8 percent of children and nearly 3 percent of adults, according to the American Psychiatric Association. The most common symptoms of the condition are inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. The condition is often diagnosed in childhood; however, left untreated, it can continue well into adulthood.

There are many medications doctors prescribe to treat people with ADHD. But a growing number of people are testing more organic remedies, including cannabidiol (CBD). Extracted from marijuana or hemp plants, CBD is a non-psychoactive component of those plants that helps relax the body and the mind.

Can CBD be used to treat or, at the very least, control the symptoms of ADHD? Could taking CBD products to help improve your ability to focus and reduce impulsive habits? Let’s attempt to answer some of those questions.



Research into how patients use CBD for ADHD is still very sparse as there have been few clinical trials that specifically test the relationship between the two. However, there have been some hypotheses derived from preliminary trials that help paint the picture in regards to that relationship.

CBD is often used by people to calm their bodies and their minds after stressful days. CBD can help a person relax in the evening to help coax themselves into a restful night of sleep. Theoretically, the benefits of CBD on the body can also help prevent hyperactivity and impulsivity that are common among ADHD patients. In other words, a healthy dose of CBD could help prevent some of the most common symptoms of ADHD.


CBD is good for ADHD

Since there are no conclusive studies proving if CBD is good for ADHD patients, any claims that CBD will benefit people with ADHD symptoms are merely that: claims. Despite that being the case, some people who live with ADHD that are willing to try and experiment with CBD oil to test if there will be any relief on their conditions.

Dr. Robert Carson is an assistant professor of neurology and pediatrics at Vanderbilt University who was one of the co-sponsors of the study that proved CBD can treat symptoms of epilepsy. The findings of this research led to the development of the FDA-approved epidolex drug, which is administered to patients who have epileptic symptoms.

According to Dr. Carson, there is reason to believe that CBD may be good for ADHD patients.

There are anecdotes that CBD may help with ADHD, but this is true for many other symptoms or diseases. Thus, there may be patients whose ADHD symptoms improve after adding CBD, but we cannot generalize that anecdote more broadly.


Does CBD help with ADHD?

Again, there are no conclusive studies that prove CBD will help with ADHD. However, that’s not to say that CBD can’t help treat other conditions with symptoms that parallel those experienced by patients with ADHD.

CBD is often used by people who suffer from anxiety to relax their thoughts. The calming effects brought on by a dose of CBD oil allow the brain to process a day’s events without going into overdrive and overanalysis that can trigger thoughts and feelings of anxiety.

CBD is also a great remedy to treat stress, which is a symptom that triggers both anxiety and ADHD. With a daily dose of CBD oil, people can calmly coax their bodies into a period of relaxation and avoid becoming overburdened by stressful episodes.


CBD dosage for ADHD

Healthy people can take up to 1,500 mg of CBD oil on a given day to treat underlying conditions. However, for those who are new to CBD, it’s best, to begin with, a much smaller dose, or even try vaping or Edibles.

Effective CBD dosages can be as low as 5 to 10 mg per day and still provide relaxing benefits for both the body and the mind. For that reason, it’s best to begin taking a small CBD dosage for ADHD and test the effects on your own symptoms. If you find the dosage is effective, you’ve found a remedy that can work. If not, try increasing the dosage to a higher amount until you start to feel more of a calming effect on your body.


CBD oil for ADHD child

Since ADHD is more common among children, tests in your household are far more likely to occur with younger members of the family. For that reason, it’s best to begin administering CBD in smaller doses.

There are several different CBD oils you can select to test if they can be effective in treating your child’s ADHD. The best way to administer the oil is by using a dropper that plants the oil directly on the tongue and is easy for your child to swallow. Alternatively, you could add a few drops into their juice, milk, or water so that they can drink the contents without worry. Some people even add CBD oil into their favourite recipes to ingest the benefits of CBD using delicious cooking to augment the treatment with hearty meals.