By: Elements Of Green

A young woman sitting in bed looking into the distance looking depressed, cradling her legs.


Quality sleep has become a critical component and focal point of health and wellness advocates everywhere. People have been trying to improve their sleep with natural aids like melatonin, chamomile and magnesium for decades. Despite our attempt to improve the quality and duration of our sleep, 1 out of 3 adults still reported less than the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

Most recently, cannabidiol (CBD or CBD Oil) has emerged as the newest natural compound that may increase your probability of getting a good night’s sleep. In this article we will address the size of the global sleep crisis, the science of how CBD impacts sleep and what you need to know before buying CBD sleep products online.

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No one enjoys the feeling of waking up groggy or unrested, and it can affect you throughout your entire day. Getting a full night of rest is one of the most important things you can do to improve your overall health, and the fact is that a large portion of us aren’t doing enough to make that a reality. With respect to performance, the importance of quality sleep is now being considered as important as general training for athletes in competitive sports.

If you think you’re alone waking up tired, you’re not.

In fact, 30% of adults have experienced insomnia in the past, and over 10% have chronic insomnia. The CDC also estimates that 35% of adults do not get enough sleep (7 hours), on a weekly basis. And finally, over the last 50 years, people are sleeping on average one hour less per night. The bottom line is, insomnia is a common issue that plagues people of all ages, genders and demographics.

Losing an hour of sleep here or there may be okay, but chronic sleep disorder can have serious negative effects on your health. Sleeplessness has been called ‘the silent killer’ and has been known to increase the likelihood of:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Weakened Immune System
  • Mood Alterations
  • Memory and Brain function

How lack of sleep affects the body

A lack of sleep also negatively impacts the economy. In the US for example, insomnia costs the economy approximately $411 billion annually in lost productivity. Europe is no different; in 2020, a lack of sleep is projected to cost the UK economy over $45 billion Euro, and will continue to rise over time.

Lack of sleep hurts the economy

The bottom line is getting a better night’s sleep can greatly benefit you in many ways and can translate into increased performance at day to day tasks.


Prominent sleep professionals in the medical community are already touting the benefits CBD can have on sleep when taken appropriately. Dr. Michael Breus PHD, more commonly referred to as ‘The Sleep Doctor’, has explained that CBD may be a healthier and safer alternative to prescription sleep medication, and may be able to reduce anxiety, which can both improve sleep quality and lower chronic difficulties with sleep. Additionally, he illustrates that research on CBD shows an increase in sleep duration, reduced insomnia, and improved sleeplessness for people with chronic pain.

New research is continually emerging on how CBD impacts the body for everything from anxiety to sleep. Particularly with sleep, several studies have been conducted in Europe and North America to determine the effectiveness of CBD with improved sleep quality, mid-day tiredness, REM sleeps and other contributing components. The initial results are very positive.

A study completed in 2019 was done to determine whether CBD improved sleep and/or anxiety. In total, 72 people were included in the study with 25 subjects experiencing chronic sleep issues, and 47 having symptoms of anxiety. Within one month of taking CBD, anxiety scores decreased in 57 patients (79.2%) and continued to lower for the remainder of the study. Sleep scores for 48 of subjects (66.7%) improved, showing decisively that CBD did improve the subjects’ sleep over the period of the study. 

Initial research has shown CBD can improve all main categories of one’s sleep including: length, quality and REM.


Now that CBD has been shown to have a positive impact, it is important to review how it’s taken, and the best kinds of CBD to choose from. There are 4 key factors to consider when planning to add CBD to your bed-time routine. The most important thing to know is that every person is different and incorporating CBD into your nightly routine can be done in a variety of different ways.

1. Dosage

The relaxing and calming effects of CBD are most prevalent in high dosages. On Daily CBD, a full breakdown on how much CBD should be taken based on your weight is

Using the high strength column, you can estimate what the appropriate amount of CBD to consume. Trying a smaller dose to begin with can serve as a baseline of understanding how your body responds to the compound. (Remember, everyone responds differently to CBD so we recommend starting with a lower dose to start)

provided:CBD dosage

2. Type

There are many different ways you can consume CBD and deciding which one is the best for you is a personal decision. The most popular forms are tinctures (oil concentrate), creams or balms, and vapes. Vape products have been shown to potentially cause long term health setbacks, so we recommend avoiding those if possible. Creams and balms are great for inflammation, soreness and muscle pain but don’t go directly into the bloodstream and therefore do not induce a sedative effect. We recommend using a tincture as the best option, primarily because it is the quickest and easiest form of CBD consumption. It can be taken under the tongue (sublingual) or swallowed directly – either way is effective and reliable.


3. Timing

Depending on how you take your CBD, the time it takes for it to enter your system will vary. CBD taken in vape form can reach your blood stream in less than 5 minutes; whereas, a tincture may take up to 30 minutes before it is fully absorbed into the body. Scientists suggest that taking your CBD an hour before you go to bed will maximize its benefits on your sleep. Giving the compound that extra time allows it to relax your body before going to bed, improving the likelihood that you have a good sleep.

4. Brand

There are hundreds of CBD products targeted at sleep, and more are coming on the market every month. The most important part of selecting a CBD brand is safety. That is why it is recommended to always check that the company has tested their products, or even better, has had a 3rd party, non-related lab test their products. When a product is lab tested, you will be able to see more details about what ingredients are included in the product. The reports will screen for dangerous heavy metals and pesticides, and will determine terpene and cannabinoid profiles. It is also important to do independent research on each brand before consuming their product, because different brands can be made specifically for certain age groups and genders.

Many people have devised more creatives ways of incorporating CBD into their bed time routine. Gabriel Aly, a writer for Honest CBD Reviews and expert on all things CBD, has devised a recipe that combines CBD with other products known to promote improved sleep like cherry, grape and valerian root. This is a great example of how using CBD in an entourage of other proven sleep aids can yield the greatest results. Recipe below:


  • 1 cup tart cherry juice
  • 1 cup white grape juice
  • 1/2 dropper valerian root tincture
  • Preferred dose of CBD oil

cbd bed time drink


Getting a good night’s sleep is a critical component of maintaining and improving your health and wellness. Research points to CBD as the next frontier for treating symptoms of insomnia, sleeplessness and chronic sleep disorder. There are plenty of ways you can incorporate into CBD into your nightly routine, it all depends on what is best for you. Find out more at